Learning video examples for Tom B.
As promised on the call (02/09/21) here are some examples of various types of short-format videos that we're using to follow up formal courses.
As we said, these can be spun out on a dedicated Slack (or MST) channel—maybe one per week. The goal is to keep people interested and reinforce key learning outcomes (while providing relevant and fresh examples).
1. Original video ("Rapid response")
You've seen this one before (made after our last phone meeting...pre-pandemic). It's an example of "rapid response" video (microlearning). These short videos can be turned round quickly and inexpensively—meaning that we can produce content that can rapidly adapt to reflect changes in your customers' environment.
In this video Craig's introduction (made specially for you!) introduces a typical example for teamwork training (Lencioni's "Five Dysfunctions of a Team"—a well-known framework for management training).
2. Case study video ("newsdesk"-style)
Here's an example of a "case study" video. Here we sat down informally with senior leaders (in software dev't) at a major bank (Capital One). We asked them to talk about mistakes they'd made...and what they'd learned from them. Really useful for more junior people (emerging leaders) to hear this sort of thing. In the Dods context this might be senior civil servants talking about mistakes made and lessons learned.
3. Teaching video (with graphic / "cartoon"-style support)
This is more formal example of straight teaching—but shows how we make it fun and memorable. This excerpt is taken from a course on business law (made for University of Texas, featuring their top professor). It shows how we use graphics (our animation studio) to reinforce learning, and support more straightforward to-camera presentation from the expert faculty.
4. Finding "best bits" from live session recordings
Final example (for now) shows how a "quick and dirty"—but very useful—video can be made out of virtual sessions...simply by editing the best bits of the Zoom (or Teams) recording. Here Craig is talking a manager at Merit through the "GROW" coaching model in a live session. This video (along with others) was published to the program's intranet site...so managers at Merit can (and do!) refer back whenever they want to remind themselves of the framework.